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Omega 1 - Test Results

Tests Conducted (click for information) Trial Environment

UK Tests
Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle times & fuel savings Insulating fire brick in Intermittent kiln (loaded with green furniture) - see testimonials

Australian Tests
Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle time & fuel savings Very badly deteriorated Carborundum ceramic fibre blanket kiln lining in gas fired tunnel kiln with different loads & temperatures.
Dust eliminated from ceramic fibre lining and improved cycle time.
Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle time & fuel savings Very badly deteriorated Carborundum ceramic fibre blanket kiln lining in gas fired shuttle kiln operating at 1080C for firing terracotta & glazed pottery.
Dust eliminated from ceramic fibre lining and improved cycle time.
Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle times & fuel savings (Modutemp) Thermal Ceramics fibre board in Electric kiln with green brick paver load.
46oC difference on bottom where lining was coated with Omega 1 + 5% improvement in cycle time + no rejects.

Japanese Tests
Bonding to insulating brick Isolite Firebrick.
Sealing ceramic fibre board to stop erosion and airborne dust problems for school kilns Thermal Ceramics ceramic fibre board in Electric kilns manufactured by Woodrow Industries - see testimonials

Tests Conducted in United Kingdom

TEST CONDUCTED: Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle times & fuel savings
Substrate Coated: Insulating fire brick
Trial Environment: Intermittent kiln (loaded with green furniture)
Starting Date: April 1995
Completion Date: Ongoing
Test Results: Better than 7% fuel savings.
Expected Benefits: Seemingly, a superb endorsement of coating's potential for customers with similar kilns, temperature ranges & kiln densities.
Unfortunately, these were coated by our former UK agent without our supervision and consequently he did not establish clear base lines for accurate comparison - so test results are indicative only.
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Tests Conducted in Australia

TEST CONDUCTED: Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle time & fuel savings
Substrate Coated: Very badly deteriorated Carborundum ceramic fibre blanket kiln lining which was about to be replaced.
Trial Environment: Gas fired tunnel kiln with different loads & temperatures
Starting Date: October 1993
Completion Date: January 1994
Test Results: Saved 30 minutes in ramp-up time and 15 mins soak time, and reduced soak ceiling by 5oc.
Many firings after the coating was installed (I.e. in Jan 94 ) Auspot lost 3 loads of ware due to heavy oxidation. Unfortunately, the owner semi-publicly blamed our coating. The actual problem was discovered shortly afterwards - the kiln had a hole in its ceiling. By this time, the owner felt he could not back down and admit he was wrong.
Expected Benefits: Local endorsement of coating's potential for firing both glazed and unglazed pottery.
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TEST CONDUCTED: Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle time & fuel savings
Substrate Coated: Very badly deteriorated Carborundum ceramic fibre blanket kiln lining which was about to be replaced.
Trial Environment: Gas fired shuttle kiln operating at 1080C for firing terracotta & glazed pottery
Starting Date: December 1993
Completion Date: March 1994
Test Results: First firing burnt terracotta claybody - Bullers Rings determined there was an extra 30C of radiant heat at charge than before. This resulted in reduction of soak temperature by 15C.
The kiln builder was excited and was going to conduct more tests, but instead he experienced domestic problems and ran off to Queensland for several months. Meantime, customer abandoned kiln builder and installed new linings.
Expected Benefits: Local endorsement of product performance resulting in more kilns being coated.
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TEST CONDUCTED: Comparative tests measuring differentials in radiant heat work, soak times, cycle times & fuel savings
Substrate Coated: Thermal Ceramics fibre board
Trial Environment: Electric kiln with green brick paver load
Starting Date: August 1994
Completion Date: November 1994
Test Results:
46oC difference on bottom where lining was coated with Omega 1 + 5% improvement in cycle time + no rejects.
Expected Benefits: Local endorsement of the coating's potential & particularly with regard to the brick & paver industry.
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Tests Conducted in Japan

TEST CONDUCTED: Bonding to insulating brick
Substrate Coated: Isolite Firebrick
Trial Environment: N/A
Starting Date: September 95
Completion Date: November 95
Test Results: Ceramic bond was established on first firing and remained stable on subsequent firings.
Expected Benefits: Unknown at this point in time.
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TEST CONDUCTED: Sealing ceramic fibre board to stop erosion and airborne dust problems for school kilns
Substrate Coated: Thermal Ceramics ceramic fibre board
Trial Environment: Electric kilns manufactured by Woodrow Kilns
Starting Date: May 1995
Completion Date: Ongoing
Test Results: After we got thickness correct (i.e. 20-30microns) coating performing well. Found we needed to use a dye in order to see where had been sprayed.
See testimonials
Expected Benefits: Local endorsement of product resulting in more potential sales.
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Read more about Omega 1 - The Infrared 'Mirror'
Technical Specifications
Radiant Heat Management and Omega 1
Trials and Tests
Download Material Safety Data Sheets

Click here to read about Omega 2 - The Ceramic 'Armour'
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Brochure - Omega 1
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